Disaster RElief Trips

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and travel risks, all GO Trips and Disaster Relief Trips for 2021 have been put on hold. Protocols and virus-related issues will continue to be monitored, both nationally and internationally. The security of our travelers will be of utmost importance before we begin planning any trips.

Check out the Serving Locally page to see how you can serve our neighbors and friends close to home. We continue to reassess the opportunities to serve in distant places and will resume that schedule as soon as possible.

next steps

Child Sponsorship | Kenya

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, Ecuador or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.


Child Sponsorship | Ecuador or Peru

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, EcuadorPeru, or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.


Child Sponsorship | Romania 

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, Ecuador or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.