
Glocal Impact Celebration (GIC)

Unstoppable Global Good 

November 8-13

People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.

Luke 13:29

We are excited to receive Mountain Christian Church supported Mission Partners from the four corners of the globe for Glocal Impact Celebration (GIC): Unstoppable Global Good! During the week of November 8-13 we will hear from Mountain’s Mission Partners about how God is inviting people to his table to find their place at the Feast. Their faithfulness is contagious; they are IN IT FOR GOOD and, after hearing from them, you will want to be too. They have a place at the Table, you have a place at the Table, but millions of people haven’t heard they are invited. Are you inviting your friends and neighbors to the Feast? During GIC we will find creative ways to make that invitation!

Let’s come together to celebrate our Mission Partners and ask the Holy Spirit to Stretch, Strengthen, and Spread this Unstoppable Global Good all over the earth…as a follower of Jesus…you were made for this!

GIC Events